
12/25(月) 主の降誕 国際ミサ 10:00 ミサ後、各国持ち寄り食事会
12/31(日) 聖家族 国際ミサ 10:00
1/1(月)  神の母聖マリア 国際ミサ 11:00 ミサ後、茶話会
1/2(火)  ブラジル人黙想会 10:00~19:00
1/2(火)~1/6(土) ミサなし

The schedule of Year-end and New Year's Holiday
On Dec 25(Mon), we will celebrate The Mass of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) from 10:00am. The Mass will be International Mass. After Mass, we will have a Christmas party all together. We hope each language group prepare and bring delicious foods which you can take pride in.
On Dec 31(Sun), The Mass of 'The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph' will be dedicated as an international Mass at 10:00am.
On Dec 31(Sun), Year-end mass will be celebrated at 11:00pm(Night).
On Jan 1(Sun), We will celebrate Mass of 'Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God' at 11:00am as an international Mass. After Mass we will have a tee time.
On Jan 2(Tus), there will be a special Lecture and retreat for Brazilian community by Brazilian priest who will come from Brazil from 10:00am to 7:00. So that day has no 7:00 Japanese Mass.
From Jan 2(Tus) to 6(Sat), there will be no Daily Mass.